
aLphabet internationaL schooL
15 February 2025

Why Attend?

The IC3 Regional Forums are a mission-driven effort to bring counseling to every school. At the heart of the forums lies the belief that every student deserves access to guidance and clarity to build a fulfilling future.
Strategic Partners


High School

NO cost
per registration
Access to content-based breakout sessions
Access to planned networking sessions at the IC3 Regional Forum attended
E-certificate for professional development*
IC3 Counselor's Resource Handbook
Invitation to pre-forum dinner where applicable
IC3 Regional Forums bag, and other material
Lunch and tea/coffee


350 USD
per registration
Access to content-based breakout sessions
Access to planned networking sessions at the IC3 Regional Forum attended
Access to interactions with students and parents, which may be organized by IC3 Host Schools
Invitation to pre-forum school visits, which may be organized by some IC3 Host Schools
IC3 Regional Forums bag, and other material
Lunch and tea/coffee


400 USD
per registration
Access to content-based breakout sessions
Access to planned networking sessions at the IC3 Regional Forum attended
IC3 Regional Forums bag, and other material
Lunch and tea/coffee

Government organizations registering for an IC3 Regional Forum may be eligible for a 50% registration discount. Please write to to request a discount code before proceeding with registration.

Registrations are non-transferable. Swapping of the city is not applicable.
*This is awarded upon successful completion of a sessions-based assessment at the Regional Forum.

for University Delegates

25 registrations

6600 USD
8750 USD

20 registrations

5600 USD
7000 USD

15 registrations

4500 USD
5250 USD

10 registrations

3200 USD
3500 USD


aLphabet internationaL schooL

Host School Address: No 3, MGR Salai, Palavakkam, Chennai-600041

Tentative Schedule

8:00am onwards: Arrivals, Networking & Registration

8:15am - 8:45am: Meditation (optional)

9:00am - 10:20am: Opening Plenary & Keynote

10:20am - 10:30am: Transition Time with Tea/Coffee/Refreshments

10:20am - 12:00pm: University Fair (for Host School Students & Parents)

10:30am - 12:00pm: Learning Session 1: (for High School Delegates)

12:00pm - 1:00pm: Planned Networking (for High School & University Delegates)

1:00pm - 1:45pm: Networking Lunch

1:50pm - 2:35pm: Learning Session 2: (for High School & University Delegates)

2:40pm - 3:10pm: Learning Session 3: (for High School & University Delegates)

3:15pm - 3:30pm: Become the Change: Way Forward

3:30pm - 3:40pm: Closing/Valedictory Address (by host school) (optional)

3:45pm onwards: Assessment + Networking with Tea/Coffee/Refreshments & Departures

Nearest Airport

Chennai International Airport (MAA)

ABout the School

aLphabet internationaL schooL was founded in 2009 with a vision to create life-long learners. Having made a mark in the field of education over the past 15 years since its inception, aLphabet internationaL schooL is ever closer to its goal of leading into the real world confident and responsible individuals equipped with a sense of international mindedness. aLphabet internationaL is an accredited IB Continuum School which provides all three IB Programs; the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP).The school is an abode for a vibrant student community of over 950+ students from various cultural backgrounds. This unity in diversity builds a sense of community and intercultural understanding among students. The student community thus reflects the school’s vision of imparting holistic education and creating a stimulating learning environment, with an exposure to the global community as the foundation. With two campuses situated in prime locations in Chennai, they make for the perfect environments for students to thrive. The St Mary’s Campus accommodates the pre-kindergarten to primary school (Mom & Me to Learners). The campus is designed to complement the school’s focus on play based learning. The Palavakkam campus serves as the main campus catering to all grade levels i.e. from Discoverers (Pre-Kg) through IB Diploma Program (Grade XII). Keeping in mind the educational needs of students of all grade levels, the school is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ranging from arts and dance studios to sports turfs, from an inexhaustible library to a hygienic canteen. The facilities are designed to actualise the holistic nature of the school’s curriculum. aLphabet believes that a complete education fosters not just a pragmatic approach to life, but an empathetic one too. With equal importance given to all facets of education and inculcating human values, aLphabet strives to cultivate a “yearning for learning” in all its learners.


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15 February 2025

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